AGFA 25: tmax dev/ 1:4, 6 min -- D76 undiluted 6 1/2 min ILFORD DELTA 3200: ei 1600/ tmax dev 7min /d76 9min
ei 3200/ 8min / 12min HP5 400: @ 800/ hc110b 9min at 70*f. @1600/ d76 str8 18 min-68*f, 15min-72*f.
FUJI NEOPAN 1600: ei 1600/ tmax dev 7min KODAK TRI-X: @1600/ IlfUniv dev 1:29, 7min-68*f. (print
on #2 paper-fiber best results) KODAK TMAX FILMS: TMZ 3200 @ ei 1600/ tmax dev 7min | d76 str8 9 min
@ ei 3200/ dev 9 1/2 | 11 min hc110b 8min-70*f TURA 150: @ 150/ D76 str8 - 6 min
at 70*f. FORTE 200: @400/ hc110b 6min-70*f FORTE 400: @ ei 1600/ hc110b 9 1/2 min at 70*f.
here are some of my tips and tricks I've learned while doing photography.
Please feel free to contribute your own tips -write them in the guestbook.
Kodak HIE : if u want a really blown-out, post-apocalyptic image-then rate your film over 100 ASA, like anything from
160-400 and use a 25a red filter on your lens and develop it at 70*f in Dektol 1:1, for 10 1/2 minutes. Water bath at 70*f
for 15 sec, heavy agitation, and dump. Quickly fill your tank ( must use metal) with the developer, agitate for full 15 seconds
in the first step, then continue ever 30sec for 10sec rolling like sideways figure 8- agitation style. Use Stop Bath-
1min medium agitation -figure 8-. Fixer- ilf universal for whatever it says on the bottle for film. Rinse with water for
2min, then its Orbit Bath for 2min, with agitation (read the directions),RINSE with WATER 2-3min. Dip in photoflo, unfurl
your film , and hang in a dust free area, shower stall works well. Printing the negs. They will look overexposed,
but they will print ok, depends on you the printer, patience counts here. Contact sheet: Fiber Graded then use
a #1 VCpapers: Use no filter/use a strip of paper running thru the picts at a diagonal, so u get more than one frame
on it. expose at f2.8 for 4sec. do test pieces like this until u get some satisfactory images. THEN, do the whole sheet
at the roughly right exposure. Keep track of exposures, write on the backs of your test pieces! INFO: Enlarger height,
which lens focal length, Fstop, timed exposures, paper brand/type, contrast grade or filter.
When u get something u like make 3 prints. And then change paper grades, to a 3 1/2 or a 4, u'll have to make sure there isn't
any fogging happening during your exposure. Maybe wrap the enlarger lens area with black plastic.
Digital Infrared Site
Take a contact sheet, photocopy it on acetate then cut out the row of pics that u like and align the frame up with its negative
counterpart, slightly off so that u get a edge showing. Tape it together so u can slide them in the neg carrier. Make a print.
OR, make your 'print' on kodalith film and develop it in dektol 1:1 stop and fix, wash it the reg way- same as paper. THEN
use that piece of film as your 'neg' and make a print. One of these ways will get to this kind of effect, just
experiment. order some cheap fiber paper and kodalith from Freestyle Sales. Co. in LA--(check the links page).